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Surgery in the Hemophiliac.

Arch Intern Med. 1969;123(1):111. doi:10.1001/archinte.1969.00300110113040

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I. Newton Kugelmass, editor of the American Lecture Series in Living Chemistry, sets the stage for this fine monograph with incisive introductory comments: "The hemophiliac puts his life into his doctor's hands when he submits to surgery, for a single mistake or miscalculation may be fatal." Surgeon Thomas J. Tarnay has written a well-circumscribed monograph discussing hemophilia from the aspects of diagnosis, therapy, and surgical management. The only possible criticism would be a lack of emphasis on the importance of glycine and cryoprecipitated factor VIII. It may well be that this material will revolutionize the management of classic hemophilia and, incidentally, make the life of the surgeon obliged to operate on such patients considerably less harrowing. This is a worthwhile document.

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