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AMA Arch Intern Med. 1958;102(1):170-172. doi:10.1001/archinte.1958.00260190172031

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Second Oklahoma Colloquy on Advances in Medicine.Ìý —The Second Oklahoma Colloquy on Advances in Medicine will be held on Nov. 12, 13, 14, and 15. It will be devoted to arthritis and related disorders and is under the joint sponsorship of the Department of Medicine, University of Oklahoma; the Division of Postgraduate Education, Geigy Pharmaceuticals; Wyeth Laboratories, Inc.; The Upjohn Company; Pfizer Laboratories, and Schering Corporation.Twelve nationally prominent investigators in their field will participate and present the results of original work from their laboratories. Among the guest speakers will be the following persons:Alfred Jay Bollet, M.D., Assistant Professor of Medicine, Wayne State University College of Medicine, DetroitR. H. Follis Jr., M.D., Armed Forces Institute of Pathology, Walter Reed Army Medical Center, Washington, D. C.Robert A. Good, M.D., American Legion Memorial Heart Research Professor of Pediatrics, University of Minnesota, MinneapolisAlexander B. Gutman, M.D., Director, Department

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