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Educating Spastic Children.

AMA Arch Intern Med. 1958;102(1):167-168. doi:10.1001/archinte.1958.00260190169028

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Although the title of this book implies restrictions in its scope, the problems of treating as well as educating all types of cerebral palsied children are discussed. In this respect, the title is misleading. After a thirteen-page introduction to the nature, history, and size of the problem posed by the disease, the author is more directly concerned with factors concerning education.

The matter of intelligence testing with cerebral palsied children is the concern of Chapters V through VIII. It is interesting to note that the same problems and similar solutions or circumventions have occurred in the outlined study as in several centers in the United States. The use of standardized and adapted Binet-type tests is supported by surprisingly high test-retest coefficients of correlation. Methods of adapting certain types of items are described. The distribution of intelligence is given for the whole group and for the separate types and degrees of

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